OpenSuSE 10.3 REVIEW

I switch operating systems like any other guy switches his underpants. If today I write/review FreeBSD, tomorrow I might write about Ubuntu. I am an OS lover, so it was very important for me to find an operating system which I can love and develop at the same time! Thanks to Novell's brilliant effort: OpenSuSE (pronounced as Open SooSaa).
My memory with Novell goes back to the time when I first installed SuSE 9(Enterprise Desktop) on my Desktop with minimal requirements. Now I work on my Lenovo 3000 N100 laptop. I have tried several flavors of linux on my notebook but none satisfied my needs so far. I began with Red Hat 9. It was sort of old so I shifted to Fedora Project. I installed Fedora core 4 but again my sound card and the network card was creating dubious issues. After fedora I switched to Mandrake. Mandrake 10.1 was enticing with a nice KDE and GNOME env, but again, it didn't recognize my Wireless card Intel Pro 802.11 a/b/g. I switched to RHEL4 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) in a hope that this enterprise version be something different and would satisfy my needs, rather it added to my disappointment...This time my touch pad (Synaptics) was creating problems. [ As soon as I place my finger on the touch pad, it sort of traveled the whole screen randomly even when my finger was static on the touchpad]. I completely lost hopes after this.
A week ago one of my Linux enthusiast friend gave me a downloaded copy of OpenSuSE 10.3. Voila! it worked. Yes, finally I found a complete system for my machine. I installed the same copy on my desktop (PIII 1.13 GHz with 384 M RAM). Bravo!! no issues with memory management. With KDE 4 and Yast2, this OS can handle anything you want. Hardware probing is not a problem either, no issues with Wireless card, Network card or the touchpad. The website of OpenSuSE offers any user to search for the software repositories and '1-click install' feature. Extensive online and offline documentation is also available for those who are new to Linux or shifting from Windows to Linux. Apart from this, an integrated Virtualization software to try other Operating systems is also included in OpenSuSE 10.3. I would recommend OpenSuSE to OS enthusiasts right away. Seriously, I was quite troubled with linux installations on my laptop as my projects require kernel dev. Now with this OS, all's well and running ;)

Wait till next post when I write more about this legendary OS I am in love with!

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1 comment:

Kevin said...

looks like u travelled a long distance to find an FOSS which suits ur needs to the extreme.
yes, i appreciate Suse has offered a stable and efficient platform for Desktop users and especially for the Network Admins who are lured to run the commands in customised Format rather than at command prompt...but im still wondering fedora core 6 wasnt a bad deal for me in terms of Animation and Desktop Effects....hhmmm nice to see that u experimenting every flavour of Linux....nice..